Saturday, November 12, 2011

Irish Coffee Mousse - Worth the Caffeine!

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Phew - it was just a dream! Now, Irish Coffee Mousse is a proper pick-me-up!

I’d been sent some Really Good Organic Coffee from Café de Cuba to sample. I don’t often drink coffee – remember the coffee-grinds-on-the-ceiling incident?  So when I drink coffee, it has to be WTC* – Worth The Caffeine. This was WTC, and the hint of vanilla and chocolate got me thinking about dessert in general, and coffee desserts in particular. The obvious coffee dessert is tiramisu - cue wibble wobble flashback sequence...

Years ago I had a friend who would sometimes mind my house when my beloved and I went on holiday. His specialty was an incredible tiramisu. He always made an enormous bowl of the stuff to welcome us home. I liked tiramisu but after the ninth helping it was more of a ‘put-me-down’ than a ‘pick-me-up’. You really can have too much of a good thing. Groan. Eventually, we had to confess that we donated his tiramisu to more appreciative diners.
Ok, we're back in the present day. It was all a bad dream.
So not tiramisu then. Something light... Something easy... Something that wouldn’t involve a trip to the market. Coffee and walnut... ? Done that. Irish coffee... ? Too early in the morning to be quaffing Irish coffee. But the idea had potential...

My mother makes a gorgeous fruit mousse. Drop the fruit, add some strong coffee, a little white chocolate to emphasise the vanilla, a shot of Irish whiskey, a swirl of cream on top... Irish Coffee Mousse. Sigh!

Drop the fruit, add some strong coffee, white chocolate, a shot of Irish Whiskey ...

For 4 - 6 servings you will need...
200mls evaporated milk, chilled (place in the freezer for an hour-and-a-half)
4 tablespoons dark brown sugar
100mls strong coffee (I used 40g Really Good Organic Coffee grounds for this amount)
4 leaves of gelatine and a little cold water to sponge
50mls Irish whiskey
100g white chocolate, grated

Whipped cream to decorate

1                 Brew the strong coffee and place in a measuring jug along with the whiskey. Meanwhile, sponge the gelatine by placing it in a bowl and covering it with cold water. After a few minutes it will soften. Remove from the bowl and squeeze any excess moisture out of the gelatine. Place it in the hot coffee and stir until completely dissolved. Leave to cool, stirring occasionally. You are looking for the moment when the mixture starts to thicken to a syrup-like consistency as it starts to gel. If you add the coffee mixture before this stage, you'll end up with coffee pannacotta, which is not the texture we're going for.
2                 Whisk the chilled evaporated milk with the brown sugar until it thickens and forms soft peaks when you lift out the whisk.
3                 As soon as the coffee mixture starts to gel, whisk it into the evaporated milk until combined, light and fluffy. Divide the grated chocolate between pretty glasses or coffee cups and top with the mousse and a swirl of cream. This amount makes 4 large portions or 6 more dainty portions.
You could use a cream liqueur in place of the whiskey if you prefer. You could also use decaf and replace the whiskey with an extra 50mls of coffee and a teaspoon of vanilla extract if you prefer a more innocent dessert. I've also made this with low-fat evaporated milk for an even more guilt-free experience.

Café de Cuba has also introduced a decaf, and Cha - a range of organic teas from the Himalayas. I've tried Spring Mint (organic green tea and mint) and Golden Mango and was pleasantly surprised.
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  1. Irish Coffee has been the downfall of many a better person than me. They are very more-ish. Maybe I'd be better sticking to your dessert version than the evil drink!

  2. Oh, my - that sounds delicious and most definitely WTC! Stunning!

  3. Oh, my gosh! What a beautiful dessert! The layers look spectacular and I know this must taste as good as it looks. I think it's worth a little insomnia ;)

  4. I love mousse and this Irish coffee version looks just fabulous!

  5. What a nice twist to a coffee mousse! I do make my own coffee mousse but I got to say the addition of the Irish Whiskey makes me wanna try it :)

  6. wow that sounds amazing and looks delicious!! I want one now!

  7. I adore coffee and coffee flavored anything. (You should try my ice cream cake - rum, coffee ice cream, yum.) This might turn me into a mousse lover, though! Definitely worth the caffeine!

  8. Okay my attempt to give up coffee now stands NO CHANCE whatsoever. Your dessert will accompany it quite beautifully. Just have to try this sounds & looks delicious . Mmmmmm I was just talking at lunchtime about giving up my guilty pleasures (that pleasure being coffee) .. Hmmmm what pure indulgence.. and now for my next fix .. . Thank you Dear Lady looks like I'll have something else to have to give up soon ha ha . Hope you're having a delicious Sunday.

  9. This looks good!! I can't handle coffee unless it's in tiramisu or in this mouse =)

  10. Given your tiramisu memories, I think you did just the right thing with this coffee. Definitely WTC!

  11. Every day in my house is a WTC day! And every evening is a worth the whiskey kind of time ... so this is totally speaking to me. SO good.

  12. Coffee mousse sounds like a wonderful dish, especially Irish coffee mousse! You are clever because this is the first I seen of it and it looks terrific. Awesome dessert!

  13. My wife and I just returned from Ireland last night. She is totally addicted to Irish Coffee. I will have to make this and surprise her. In fact we are having an Irish dinner with some of the people that went and I think this will have to be the dessert for that.

  14. WTC indeed a very simple recipe I am sure it is delicious

  15. I must admit I am a coffee addict... hehehe and a chocoholic... so this is the perfect dessert for me. I am definitely making this! Just one question... I only make espresso (or mocha...) and I don't have any other coffee machine... can I use espresso for this? And if so... how much?? THANKS Hester!!

  16. This beautiful glass of yum looks well WTC! And I will keep the whiskey in..thank you very much! So sorry I missed the coffee grinds on the ceiling post! : )

  17. This treat looks like the perfect dessert for a dinner party. I've saved this one for the holidays!

  18. What a brilliant idea and looks beautiful too. WTC!

  19. Hester, this looks so light and yet decadent too. Definitely the best kind of Irish Coffee dessert in a glass. Cheers!

  20. So happy to be in top 9 with you - and with such a gorgeous, wonderfully caffeinated dessert. Thanks so much, also, for your kind comments on my post about my grandmother - I was really touched by peoples' responses.

  21. This is gorgeous! And when I finally realized whiskey was in this a happy light bulb went off in my head. Perfect after dinner drink :)

  22. What a lovely dessert.I'm rather new to your blog and don't often comment. I just wanted you to know I'm here and really enjoy the time I spend on your blog. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  23. This looks absolutely amazing--kicks the standard chocolate mousse up a notch!

  24. Perfect for a winter dessert, very nice and tempting!!!

  25. Oh my, this looks so addictive and definitely WTC, though for me it would be way to dangerous to make it... (considering my lack of will power I'd end up having it everyday)

  26. @Manu - Espresso is pretty strong coffee anyway so use the amount specified. Also liking the idea of a strong mocha, with Baileys Irish Cream instead of whiskey. I sometimes lace the whipped cream topping with Tia Maria for extra deliciousness.

  27. Genius! I've got an Irish friend next door that makes us Irish coffee. Do you think she'd get the hint if I emailed her the link to this?...

  28. Oh how wonderful does this look! I am afraid I am a huge coffee person, too bad I do not live closer could have taken some of the tiramisu of your hands. And since I was already around maybe you would share these :)

  29. My mouth is watering now just looking at it! Super recipe!

  30. We love Irish Coffee in our family! Can't wait to give this a try during the Holidays!

  31. Excuse my naivety, but what is a "leaf" of gelatin...and if I can't find it...what form of gelatin would I replace it with? This sounds delicious!


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