Saturday, February 13, 2016

Rebooting Sour Cherry Rocky Road - the Silver Lining!

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It's not Valentine's Day anymore. It has been rebooted as Generosity Day - it's the day you make Sour Cherry Rocky Road, cut it into bite-sized bits, and take it to wherever there are people you love (or simply like).

Sometimes ...  often  ... ok ... practically all the time, life doesn’t go according to plan. The road ahead usually has a few lumps and bumps lurking, ready to trip us up as soon as we cast our attention elsewhere...
... Like last month: I dropped my ice cream maker (my priceless €1 machine – maker of strawberry and rose petal ice cream); totalled my food processor (Note to self: remove the sheath from the blade before attempting to use the machine); and annihilated my electric whisk – don’t ask!  
... Like last week, when my sister Catherine made pizza from scratch... It took a detour on the way to the oven and belly-flopped onto her cat... the bad-tempered one... with the six-inch claws and the kleptomaniac tendencies (cat, not sister!). I foresee a shredded sofa and further apologies to the neighbours as the evil creature wanders home with yet another gold trinket clenched in its teeth...
... Like this morning, when a daydreaming commuter – yay, not me for a change - scurried onto an escalator clearly marked OUT OF ORDER - and stood there with an expression of utter bewilderment as he went nowhere fast and hundreds of cackling commuters sailed past him on the one that was actually working...
The good news is that life’s little wrinkles can often work out for the best. Most lumps and bumps can have a silver lining... like when I drop my heavy cookery notebook on my foot (bump, lump) and a little scrap of cardboard falls out. It’s my sister Veronica’s incredible Rocky Road recipe (silver lining).
In general I HATE marshmallow, I HATE desiccated coconut, and I’m not particularly fond of milk chocolate either. However when these ingredients get together with crunchy salty nuts and chewy sour cherries and go skinny dipping in dark chocolate, magic happens. I will happily eat this version by the kilo – leading to further lumps and bumps if indulged too often.  

Here is Veronica's original recipe...
When simple ingredients go skinny dipping in melted chocolate, magic happens!

This translates as...
300g milk chocolate (decent stuff, not cooking chocolate)
200g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
90g mini marshmallows (or large marshmallows, snipped into pieces with a scissors)
80g white chocolate, roughly chopped
80g dried sour cherries (dried cranberries are good too)
75g salted jumbo peanuts
75g salted almonds
50g desiccated coconut, toasted* 

1                    First, line the base of a 30cm x 20cm baking tin with baking parchment.
2                    Then, break the milk chocolate and dark chocolate into pieces and place together in a medium heatproof bowl over a pot of barely simmering water (the base of the bowl mustn’t touch the water or the chocolate can turn grainy). Stir occasionally until melted.
3                    Add the rest of the ingredients to the melted chocolate and stir until everything is well coated. Transfer to the baking tin and leave to cool. When the chocolate is set, remove from the tin and cut into pieces - bitesized or boulders – that bit is up to you.
* I toasted the coconut in a dry frying pan over a medium heat. This task only takes a few minutes but requires a close eye because as soon as you look away, the coconut will burn in an instant.
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  1. This looks amazing, you're truly a teaser since I broke my tooth I have to forgive about those things until I get to the dentist and you're reminding me that yes in fact those tasty tooth-unfriendly sweets are up there calling me! Once again it looks amazing. I also came by to say that I gave you Liebster Blog Award, I do hope you;ll accept it since its a really fun thing to do. Wishing you all the best!
    here are details

  2. This Rocky Road looks worth stealing - lots of love, Casper the Kleptomaniac Cat

  3. Yessss, this is gorgeous! Life certainly does have its lumps and bumps, but this this rocky road chocolate goodness I think I can get through it.

  4. Why is it that all those kinds of bad things always happen at the same time? (Though I did get a giggle out of that poor commuter.) But at least your cloud had a silver lining with that recipe falling out. Your first photo is absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Now this is one tasty silver lining! Such gorgeous confection! Have a wonderful weekend~

  6. Hehe ... I like that ... skinny dipping in chocolate. Yeah, I'm not a fan of dessicated coconut or milk chocolate either. Also not for white chocolate. But I guess if you can get to like this combination ... I can be converted :)

  7. Wow! What an incredible take on rocky road, and fantastic presentation... I love the rose petal, it just adds that extra special something!

  8. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I've just been admiring yours, wow it's so professional. I'm pretty new to this all and still trying to figure out how to use all these blog sites. It's so nice and encouraging to get such nice feedback. Thanks! P.s. Your sour rocky road looks fab! x

  9. I'm happy you found this recipe because it looks wonderful! As usual I love reading your blog, and the bit about the commuter on the escalator was classic! Thank you!

  10. Loved this post! Such a lovely recipe and such a good reminder that we all have bad days and make mistakes and break important kitchen gadgets (like my favorite roasting pan) but things still seem to work out in one way or another : )

  11. I know exactly how you feel - baking and good food takes away from reality - this is a lovely post :)
    And a delicious to the boot recipe - thank you :)

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: 3 Layer Brownie Cheesecake

  12. Ha ha I would love to see your sister's cat. It is so funny, and I love your first photo it is so beautiful.

  13. Of course it's almost a health bar with the dried fruit in it! Would make me feel better too.

  14. Gorgeous Hester xx They say that when plan 'A' does not work out you should roll with it and move on to plan 'B' ... I think I am on plan 'H' right now... I just have gotten use to rolling with it ...this looks like a fab dessert and I am sure the kids will love it! They are home for the next week on midterm...we will try it for sure!

  15. I will definitely do that for the one I love (me) this valentines day!
    I am missing my sister terribly since she moved away so I think I deserve some treats... :-/


  16. Hester...this chocolate is so pretty! Are your marshmallows pink? I love the combination of all the ingredients, cherries, coconut, nuts...just what's needed to make life's lumps and bumps so much easier to swallow! I should carry a bag of this in my purse for those days when I break an appliance or get on the wrong elevator! I'll still be smiling! : )

  17. Hester, I love your introduction even if it's about the things that go wrong but it's so heartening to hear that we're not alone when things like that happen! That cardboard recipe is one of the best written recipes - they're always so full of memories, eh? Love that rocky road and your photos stunning!

  18. Love this post! So true about what you shared in the beginning... LOVE the rocky road... I bet the sour cherries totally POP! And I love the peanuts in there :) Great post! :) Hope the cat is doing okay! :)

  19. The name alone is enough to get my attention! Rocky road is a delicious treat, but with cherries-yum! We all have good and bad days, but at least we have this tasty indulgence to make the bad days not so bad. Have a great day!

  20. How interesting to have sour cherries in this! I’d love to try some.

  21. I like the irony, how a rocky road can become a decadent little treat!

  22. Great true about the hurdles along the way but this is one good silver lining that's for sure!

  23. Great post, Terrific recipe and FANTASTIC Read! Loved this one from start to finish! Congratulations on Foodbuzz's Top 9....and, while I'm sorry the cookbook hit your foot, I'm glad you found the recipe!

  24. This is hilarious in the way that terrible cooking mishaps often are (hope that cat is all right, BTW, and that you are spared its claws and wrath). The combo of sour cherries and dark chocolate is divine!

  25. Well, I for one am one of those who also get things not going according plan..but, when it's trip down the hill with luck, well, a smile and laugh generally works best :)
    p.s. I think that's the best looking rocky road I've ever seen!

  26. Amazing presentation of everything!
    I just found your blog and I loved it! Am a happy follower now! Visit me at:
    Hope to c u around!

  27. WOW! So many things happened to you. Sounds like you've DESERVE a kilo of this terrible goodlooking rocky road!

    There is always tomorrow..which I hope to work out better for you.

    Have a great Valentine's day!

  28. Wow that is quite a few bumps and lumps, but this treat is amazing nd could brighten up and week :)
    Happy Valentines Day!

  29. Very cute blog post - I love your outlook on life - not to mention your sister's ice cream. :)

  30. Okay please, please, please send me some of this. This looks so yummy!

  31. Loving this rocky road - I really do think it could fix any problems in this world :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  32. Love and recipes and the photography!!!

  33. Some bumps in the road can be tolerated if they are as sweet as your chocolate treat is.

  34. Sounds like your house is rather like mine. It's good to know there's a treat like this to pick us up and make us feel better about the world. :)

  35. Oh I love Rocky Road --- and the sour cherries just sound amazing!

  36. Ah, Hester -- you found the perfect cure to your mechanical disabilities! (I could not live without my stick blender!) Although I'm not a big fan of coconut either, your Generosity Day concoction could convince me!

  37. My goodness this is so tempting to look at that I just ignored all the bumps, lumps, and rocky road topics.

  38. A lost comment: "Hi there I am just wondering can this cake be made into a ten inch round and what size cake tin did you use for this recipe?"

  39. Hi Sarah, I made it in a 30cm X 20cm tin lined with baking paper. You could make it into a 10 inch round - it will be slightly thicker.


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